Hi there, just so you know that I can give a hand on image clean up / photo touch up, if there is a need, please don't hesitate just take a picture of your painting as the best as you can, then email it to me, I will be more than happy to help as my sincere support!
Dealing with images is one part of the basic work that I do on daily bases, as a graphic designer with over 25 some years of experience in the design field, so please do feel free if you ever needed a hand!
My email:
Cheers :)
Hi Larry, still waiting for your image :)
I only received one image that needed to be cleaned up so far, please don't hesitate if you ever needed the image clean up :) Cheers !
Thanks Fei, very generous.
It sounds like I could learn a lot from you. So sweet of you to reach out to the rest of us.
Please do feel free to forwarding yours art work pictures, it's piece of cake to me, and it is at least what I can do for our meaningful joyful event !!! :)
How nice of you!
Thank you Fei. I don't know how to size a jpeg to 60dpi. Could you help me get this done if I send you the photo?
Very generous of you, Fei.