My initial thought was about waking up in a strange place: ....... the Bath Tub!
So I climbed in and took some photos. Mmmm.. not very interesting so I imagined more color with Harlequin stockings so I put on thermal underwear and imagined the patterns. I also thought of this title as a dream. My white-tiled bathroom would have to transfer elsewhere and bring in night-time, candles and lanterns. Halloween derives from Hallowed Evening or Holy Evening and as kids this meant Spirits, Mischief and Duck Apple Night. Maybe involve these as well?
I started an acrylic preparation to paint the sides and make an inky space with Viridian Green, Alizarin and Pthalo Blue, but as the paint ran out a dynamic image like a nebulous star cluster was left.

Space, Black Holes? Where could I go with this?
To Be Continued .........
Orion is my favorite constellation! I've always been awed by the symmetry of the belt. You're onto something! I'm intriqued...